JOINTS 2023; 1: e568
DOI: 10.26355/joints_20235_568

The new SIAGASCOT President, Prof. Bonaspetti, welcomes JOINTS as official journal of the Society

Topic: Orthopedics   Category:

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

2023 represents a special year both for me, as the newly elected SIAGASCOT President, and for JOINTS, our official magazine, which is kicking off the year with a new publisher and a new look.

Under my presidency, my efforts and those of the executive board, the journal will be constantly directed at continuing to promote SIAGASCOT’s educational, conference and editorial initiatives with the aim of being useful to all our passionate orthopaedic surgeons.

JOINTS is a relatively young magazine, but it dreams big; its mission will be to build bridges and spread knowledge in our field.

We live in a society driven by rapid information, where we often only allow ourselves to be captured by the content in a few seconds, but I believe that information must leave tangible and effective marks. Scientific communication is the basis of our work, knowledge is inseparable from action and research is the basis of innovation.

Research and innovation are based on the knowledge of those who have gone before us, the sources of the past are none other than the experiences and discoveries that have led us to achieve such great results in Medicine. Orthopaedics has taken major steps forward: only a few decades ago, orthopaedic surgeons could only rely on rather ‘rudimentary’ means for the treatment of both orthopaedic and traumatological pathologies, but the growth of knowledge and its communication have allowed us Doctors to improve our results.

The analysis of our experiences, our mistakes, the publication of results in scientific papers, the possibility of being able to access all this information, have allowed us to be what we are today.

All of this has been possible thanks to our great Masters, who did not limit themselves to scarce information, but studied, listened, attempted, perhaps failed, and tried again to achieve important goals to pass on to us through their seminars and scientific articles. They did not limit themselves to pursuing their goals in a one-sided and unidirectional fashion, but confronted others by opening themselves up to new possibilities, always basing them on the past and on what they had learned.

Only by knowing where we come from, can we understand who we are and where we are going. This will be the theme of our upcoming 3rd Annual Meeting, to be held in Bari in 2024.

I am sure that you are all aware of these concepts, which is why we are expecting all of you to contribute to making JOINTS a flagship for SIAGASCOT and a world-renowned journal, amongst the most prestigious in the orthopaedic field.

Let us make our mark by communicating our experiences.

I am certain that the Scientific Board of JOINTS, led by Prof. Rocco Papalia, will be able to play a vital role in our scientific world, providing opportunities and ideas to colleagues worldwide and to the young generation who desires to be part of this world.

We look forward to seeing you on JOINTS!

Giovanni Bonaspetti

SIAGASCOT President 2023/2024

To cite this article

The new SIAGASCOT President, Prof. Bonaspetti, welcomes JOINTS as official journal of the Society

JOINTS 2023; 1: e568
DOI: 10.26355/joints_20235_568

Publication History

Submission date: 26 Apr 2023

Revised on: 02 May 2023

Accepted on: 03 May 2023

Published online: 11 May 2023